It had requested in the year 2004-05 to the State Social Welfare Board for financial assistance for conducting a AGP programme. In this response State Social Welfare Board, sanctioned vide their letter No.5981 dtd.25-11-04 for grant of Rs10000/- for conducting AGP programme for women. As per advice vide their letter No3975 dtd.22-09-05 we deputed our representative Miss Jogamaya Mahapatra for undergoing organizers training under Viswa Jeevan Seva Sangha, Khurda. She completed her organiser’s training during the period 29-09-05 to 08-10-05. Then we requested State Social Welfare Board for release of sanctioned amount. The State Social Welfare Board released first installment of Rs9000/-(Rupees nine thousand) only.
The organizer Miss Johamaya Mahapatra, conducted survey in different places at Nayapalli and identified 25women beneficiaries and round up discussions were made with them and our representative also described them about present day situations and present day to day problem of women and also about need of the camp. Camp was conducted for 8days from 15-03-06 to 22-03-06 followed by 2days follow up camp. Women groups are consulted and awareness training was provided. SHG group promotion proposal was accepted by the members. Immediately 2 SHG groups are formed and it has been decided to strengthen them for business and promotion of financial condition of poor women. Through this AGP programme basic idea has been obtained and women are provided awareness training to know about right, safety and security of women. It was decided by the Organisation to conduct more awareness programme for welfare of women and children. In the year 2005-2006 this Organisation was awarded for grant of an amount of Rs50,000/- by the Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi and organised five AGP meetings for welfare and awareness of women. In this connection, Organisation has organized different survey activities and small village-level meetings in different places and office bearers have gone training for the purpose. It has been observed that this programme has created more awareness among women –how they will protect themselves from different Social evils and bindings. Very soon programme shall be conducted and different resource persons had been invited to aware the women. Our Organisation has taken this programme as a mile stone and promised to work for promotion of women and child.We have formed women SHG federations for their empowerment and financial condition. Organisation has taken initiative for promotion of self-help group among village women. We have moved different parts of Puri, Cuttack and Khurda district. People are interested to form groups. However Govt. Co-ordination and assistance is absolutely required. We have formed 55 self-help groups in Niali and Kantapada block of Cuttack district. We have formed a SHG Federation in Niali & Kantapada block. We have provided training to them for management of their group and for their empowerment. They are also provided with training in different self-employment programs and agriculture, handicraft, kitchen gardening, flower plantation, poultry, pigery, banana plantation and such other activities.We have also formed SHG federation at Bhubaneswar.Smt Sabitri Mohant and Taina naik are chief SHG coordinators. Especially we have conducted training for business & marketing of different products in a better market in good market rate and also by providing idea accepting good quality and acceptable lebels. We think through this types of training and activities our SHG Groups shall be sure uplifted. We have spent Rs3452.00 for the purpose of Handicraft and coir promotion and SHG workshop. In this connection we have contacted Mission Shakti, NABARD, State social welfare advisory Board, Banks and District machinery for financial assistance and loan for this purpose. | ||||