Since last few years we have been working with Centre for Environmental studies under Govt. of orissa, Dept of forest and Environment and Govt. of India, Ministry of Forest & Environment. We have been organizing NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS CAMPAIGN (NEAC) program every year. We have performed remarkable activities this year for social development and proved our efficiency. The Center for Environmental Studies, Bhubaneswar under the Dept of Forest and Environment, Govt. of Orissa and Ministry of Forest and Environment, Govt. of India has been providing financial assistance each year to organize National Environment Awareness Campaign.
The details of activities under-taken in respect of NEAC program by the organization during the previous years are as under:-
This year we have also been granted Rs.10.000/- from Center for Environmental Studies, Bhubaneswar under the Dept of Forest and Environment, Govt. of Orissa and Ministry of Forest and Environment, Govt. of India as financial assistance to Organise NEAC -2010-11 program as under.
Awareness program -PUBLIC MEETING ON –
“Vermi compost application in Medicinal Tree plantation promotes “Sacred Groves and Medicinal tree plantation can promote forest conservation for livelihood -
A public meeting was organized for NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS CAMPAIGN-2010-11 on 27/03/2011(Sunday) 4.00PM at village NARAGADA, Near Kalinga Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Khurda at garden premises of sri Dhruba Charan Behera resident of village in a best natural environment surrounded with plant and trees. Theme for Awareness was a PUBLIC MEETING ON-“Vermin compost application in Medicinal tree plantation promotes BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION” Organised by NGO SHELTER (Society of Health Education Legal Training & Emergency Rehabilitation)595, Sampur, Po-Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar-3, Dist-Khurda, Orissa. Campaign was Sponsered by Centre for Environmental Studies(CES), Bhubaneswar, Forest and Environment Department, Govt. of orissa, Bhubaneswar and Ministry of ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS, Government of India, New Delhi.
The Guests described in detail about “Vermin compost application in Medicinal tree plantation promotes BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION” and benefits of plantation of Trees which was accepted by all. It was highly appreciated and decided to apply vermin compost in medicinal tree plantation and they also accepted to plant different trees. They also decided to form platation club in cooperation of SHG Groups/Pani panchayats/NGOs/Clubs to follow up following plantation activities. It was wiewed to plant TREE such as Tulasi, Bela, Patal Garuda, Pijuli, Amba,Barakoli,Paladhua,Pipali,Dalimba,Ashok,Nadia,Thalkudi,Kalara which have already been planted by our organization under plantation Action Program.They decided to also plant tree in road side, in front of Offices and Road in cooperation of villagers and plantation club Members in cooperation of SHG Groups/Pani panchayats/NGOs/Clubs and Municipal Corporation. It has been decided by our organization to avail message in each village of orissa to plant at least following 5 trees one each and take its care for environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. 1-Banyan Tree(BARA GACHHA). 2-Pipal Tree(ASWASTHA GACHHA). 3-Karanj Tree. 4-Neem Tree. 5-Baula Tree. 6-Ashok Tree Organisation prepaired platation club in cooperation of villagers of village NARAGADA, Near Kalinga Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Khurda where We formed there 8 SHG Groups and one SHG Federation to follow up the activity for plantation to control Bio diversity conservation by Vermin compost application in Medicinal tree plantation for promotion of BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION .It was also observed that plantation of Tree and Vermin compost application in Medicinal tree plantation promotes BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION”. In connection with NEAC 2011-12 program shall be completed after obtaining Order from Govt of Odisha,Dept of Forest and Environment through centre of Environmental studies.
1- Our organization has planted following plants and taken care in our Registered office premises 595,Sampur,Bhubaneswar and state office premises at E-2,OCC Colony,Unit-8,Bhubaneswar. 2- We have planted Allovera(GHI KUARI), Tulasi, Bela, Patal Garuda, Pijuli, Amba,Barakoli,Paladhua,Pipali,Dalimba,Ashok,Nadia,Thalkudi,Kalara,Papeya,Lembu,Orange,Sajana,Mango plant etc. 3- It has been decided by our organization to avail message in each village of orissa to plant at least following 5 trees one each and take its care for environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. 1-Banyan Tree(BARA GACHHA). 2-Pipal Tree(ASWASTHA GACHHA). 3-Karanj Tree. 4-Neem Tree. 5-Baula Tree. 6-Ashok Tree. We have been conducting public meeting on “Temple Waste Management” under Solid Waste Management and climate change.This year public meeting has been organized at village Naragada on 27/03/2011 on Biodiversity conservation.We have also planted Medicinal plants in a model garden where we have planted moe than 30 types of plants. We have also in cooperation of people,organizations and BMC planted tree in Road sides,School premises and office premises for promotion of plantation for contol of Biodivrsity conservation.We have also decided to avail message to each village of state to plant atleast one each of following 6 trees (BARA,Aswastha,Baula,Karanja,Ashoka,Limba) for environment protection and biodiversity conservation. The program was highly appreciated. Sri Ashok Ku. Sahoo, advocate, Traditional Agriculture Scientist Sri Krusak Laxman Das and Er.Prabhakar Nayak had participated as resource persons. SHELTER KALA KENDRA AND FOLK DANCE RESEARCH CENTRE:
Our Organisation has established a school of Art, Dance and Music promotion in name of SHELTER KALA KENDRA at Bhubaneswar. It has been affiliated to Prachin Kala Kendra, Chandigarh bearing affiliation No-7070. In the year 2006-07 there were 42 students from the stream of fine Art, Odissi dance, Hindustani vocal, Odissi vocal, Tabla instrumental and violin instrumental have appeared examination and got pass. In the year 2007-08 there were 46 students from the stream of fine Art, Odissi dance, Hindustani vocal, Odissi vocal, Tabla instrumental and violin instrumental have appeared examination. This year we have spent Rs. 4665/- towards different activities of this Kendra. We have also conducted different cultural activities and dance competition program among the school students. We hope through this our Organization we shall work more and more for promotion of cultural activities in the state.
Orissa is a state where most of the people are depending upon agriculture, looking after cultivation. In spite of availability of all resources they are not able to develop their standard through Agriculture. We have decided to work for Agricultural promotion. The Govt. of Orissa has realized the condition and taken revolutionary steps for agricultural development through formation of Water Users Association. We have undertaken work for formation of Water Users Association in Kanas Block of Puri District and Baranga Block of Cuttack District. We have spent Rs.2450/- for promotion of agriculture, vegitation, pc culture, seeding and nursery. We have received assistance from DFID and other organizations through Verve Consultancy, Hasha Trust, WEB Consultancy and beneficiaries for welfare of Water Users Associations . We have formed 61 Water Users Association in Kanas block and 11 Water Users Association in Barang Block and 17 Water Users Association in Niali Block. We think this will serve interest of people in field of Agriculture. In the mean time our achievement has been appreciated by different corners. It has been decided by our organization to work more in the field of Agriculture. It has been decided to work for Betel crop promotion in Niali block of Cuttack District and to work more for Agriculture promotion by developing pani panchayat, kisan club and pond management through our Water Users Association (Panipanchayat) Federation.
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