Family Counselling center
FAMILY COUNSELING AND LEGAL AID CENTRE: Family Counselling provided through our Family counselling and Legal aid centre. Legal Camps have provided towomen with basic awareness about the legal rights and provided them legal aid through approved Government bodies like the Odisha state Commission for Women, Odisha state Legal services Authority.Through Legal Aid, Family Counseling Centre and Parivarik Mahila Lok Adalat (PMLA) our Organisation has taken initiative for providing legal protection and family counseling to needy. Different legal awareness activitieshas been been started for settlement of matrimonial disputes. Our representatives are visiting houses ofdifferent persons related with any matrimonial disputes. The disputes are going to besettled or compromised after negotiation in cooperation of State Social Welfare Board, Mahila commissionand different legal authorities. Even we are taking steps to settle this through “Lok Adalat ”We have decided to continue our activities through assisting distress and poor through our legal aid and family counseling center. They will be provided free legal advice and assistance. In case of necessity their cases shall be recommended to the Govt. for proper management and assistance.If Govt. assistance will be received, we will strengthen this.It is therefore requested if any dispute in any family to reduce domestic violence and maintain peace in your family, please contact our secretary or please register for FREE or call to # 9437438766,9937986808 or Email to or visit our website . | ||||